Women's Technology Empowerment Centre – W.TEC

My First Experience At W.TEC – Tamilore Odekunle

My First Experience At W.TEC - Tamilore Odekunle

On Valentines Day 2022 a new face joined W.TEC in capacity of our research and policy. Her name is Tamilore Odekunle and she will supporting our research policy effort which we look forward to so much towards ourwork. Now lets met her and find out more about her first experience at W.TEC.


My name is Tamilore Odekunle and I joined W.TEC on Valentines Day 2022. Just like what the day preaches, I was received with love by all the staff at W.TEC. Valentine’s Day is a day to show and receive love and W.TEC confirmed that love can come in all forms. It could be between friends, lovers, strangers, families and new work colleagues. My first day was a warm welcome by my new friends at W.TEC.

My role as the Policy and Advocacy Intern means that I am tasked with the job of supporting the organisation’s research and advocacy work. I must ensure that we are up to date and abreast with all matters relating to gender and technology policies with Nigeria as the focus. I am really looking forward to being a value add to the organisation!